WE all signed up. I used the money from the sale of my house. After 4 years in HK, sure, I had a lot in the bank already, but this was extra, unexpected as Sue and I had divorced years ago but never got around to getting rid of the house until the beginning of the year. So why not do something a little bit risky, with the chance of a rewards in the form of a monthly dividend. Money back in 12 months and all profit form then on in according to Lee. The Aussie dollar was rising again as well. I am not a risk taker, but I am a sucker. Lee was such a convincing salesman, fridges to Eskimos, that level of skill. He had the knack, the attitude, the smile and charm, fuck him, to convince you with practically anything. He was so calm as he took our life-savings, he was brimming with his magnetism. He exploded with confidence and we got splattered by he shrapnel, and believed him...
- The bucket factory I have in Hangzhou, making a bit of money sure. But you know, I watch, lazy as all hell. It takes ten workers to make one bucket. We pay nothing, but that's the going rate, but ten times for each bucket. (He had just returned from what I thought was a holiday in America, turned out he was shaking some trees in Mexico.) In Mexico, I could get the a bucket made in the same time, using only three workers. The pay there is shit as well, so it would still work out cheaper for each bucket, three times nothing compared to ten times nothing...
He laughs at this, ironic about the irony. He has something to do with water heaters as well. If he is trying to impress us, he doing well. His ability to squeeze and squeeze your goodwill was the best I've ever seen and I've seen some adept car salesmen over the years.
- You know, we have a factory in Shanghai, when I say we... I'm not in it deep, but it's enough. Ride the coattails. Have you been to Shanghai and Beijing recently. Any big city there, even Shenzen. They are rampant, they are crazy with apartment blocks. It's modern they think. Plus they can kick the locals off, bulldoze the thousand year old slums, seriously, but that's not my problem. And each of those places needs hot water yeah? And the Olympics coming up! It's even more crazy. If we get another contract the big guys (someone from Australia, he said) are bound to become millionaires overnight. I'm not in their league, but you never know. But that's not cash flow. It's cash flow that keeps your head above water, pays the bills. That's were you guys are coming in into the bar, people are just throwing money at money. It's hard not make a shitload really quick, and that's why I emphasize the dividends. Because there will be bills.
Wordcount: 502
Total: 1561
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